Source code for artpop.source

# Standard library
from copy import deepcopy

# Third-party
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from astropy.modeling.models import Sersic2D
from scipy.special import gammaincinv, gamma

# Project
from . import MIST_PATH
from .log import logger
from .stars import SSP, MISTSSP, MISTIsochrone, constant_sb_stars_per_pix
from .space import sersic_xy, plummer_xy, uniform_xy, Plummer2D, Constant2D
from .util import check_units, check_xy_dim

__all__ = [

[docs]class Source(object): """ Artificial stellar system to be mock imaged. Parameters ---------- xy : `~numpy.ndarray` or `` Positions of the stars in (x, y) coordinates. mags : dict of `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.table.Table` Stellar magnitudes. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `arcsec / pixels`. labels : list-like, optional Labels for the stars. For example, EEP values (int or float) or name of evolutionary phase (str). """ def __init__(self, xy, mags, xy_dim, pixel_scale=None, labels=None): if type(mags) == dict: self.mags = Table(mags) else: self.mags = mags.copy() if len(xy) != len(self.mags): raise Exception('numbers of magnitudes and positions must match') if type(xy) == mask = np.any(~xy.mask, axis=1) self.mags = self.mags[mask] self.xy =[mask] else: self.xy = np.asarray(xy) mask = np.ones(len(self.xy), dtype=bool) self.labels = labels if labels is None else np.asarray(labels)[mask] self.xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) if pixel_scale is not None: self.pixel_scale = check_units(pixel_scale, u.arcsec / u.pixel) @property def x(self): """x coordinates""" return self.xy[:, 0] @property def y(self): """y coordinates""" return self.xy[:, 1] @property def num_stars(self): """Number of stars in source""" return len(self.x)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create deep copy of source object.""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def select_stars(self, label): """Return boolean mask that is set to True for stars of given label.""" if self.labels is None: raise Exception('The stars of this source do not have labels.') return self.labels == label
def __add__(self, src): if Source not in src.__class__.__mro__: raise Exception(f'{type(src)} is not a valid Source object') new = deepcopy(self) for s in [new, src]: if hasattr(s, 'sp') and s.sp.mag_limit is not None: logger.warning( 'Composite source objects currently only support ' 'discrete components.\nIf you want to include smooth ' 'components (i.e., mag_limit is not None),\n' 'add the individual source images together.' ) break if not np.allclose(new.xy_dim, src.xy_dim): raise Exception('Sources must have the same xy_dim') if new.labels is None: new.labels = np.ones(new.num_stars, dtype=int) labels = np.ones(src.num_stars, dtype=int) * (new.labels.max() + 1) new_labels = np.concatenate([new.labels, labels]) new.xy = np.concatenate([new.xy, src.xy]) new.mags = vstack([new.mags, src.mags]) comp_src = CompositeSource(new.xy, new.mags, new.xy_dim, new.pixel_scale, new_labels) return comp_src
class CompositeSource(Source): """A source consisting of 2 or more `~artpop.source.Source` objects.""" pass
[docs]class SersicSP(Source): """ Stellar population with a Sersic spatial distribution. Parameters ---------- sp : `~artpop.stars.populations.StellarPopulation` A stellar population object. r_eff : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Effective radius of the source. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `kpc`. Must be greater than zero. n : float Sersic index. Must be greater than zero. theta : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Rotation angle, counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `degree`. ellip : float Ellipticity. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `arcsec / pixels`. Default is `0.2 arcsec / pixel`. num_r_eff : float, optional Number of r_eff to sample positions within. This parameter is needed because the current Sersic sampling function samples from within a discrete grid. Default is 10. dx : float, optional Shift from center of image in the x direction. dy : float, optional Shift from center of image in the y direction. labels : list-like, optional Labels for the stars. For example, EEP values (int or float) or name of evolutionary phase (str). """ def __init__(self, sp, r_eff, n, theta, ellip, xy_dim, pixel_scale, num_r_eff=10, dx=0, dy=0, labels=None): self.sp = sp self.mag_limit = sp.mag_limit self.mag_limit_band = sp.mag_limit_band self.smooth_model = None if self.mag_limit is not None and sp.frac_num_sampled < 1.0: _r_eff = check_units(r_eff, 'kpc').to('Mpc').value _theta = check_units(theta, 'deg').to('radian').value _distance = check_units(sp.distance, 'Mpc').to('Mpc').value _pixel_scale = check_units(pixel_scale, u.arcsec / u.pixel) if _r_eff <= 0: raise Exception('Effective radius must be greater than zero.') xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) x_0, y_0 = xy_dim//2 x_0 += dx y_0 += dy self.n = n self.ellip = ellip self.r_sky = np.arctan2(_r_eff, _distance) *'arcsec') self.r_sky *= u.arcsec r_pix ='pixel', u.pixel_scale(_pixel_scale)).value self.smooth_model = Sersic2D( x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, n=n, r_eff=r_pix, theta=_theta, ellip=ellip) self.xy_kw = dict(num_stars=sp.num_stars, r_eff=r_eff, n=n, theta=theta, ellip=ellip, distance=sp.distance, xy_dim=xy_dim, num_r_eff=num_r_eff, dx=dx, dy=dy, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, random_state=sp.rng) _xy = sersic_xy(**self.xy_kw) super(SersicSP, self).__init__( _xy, sp.mag_table, xy_dim, pixel_scale, labels)
[docs] def mag_to_image_amplitude(self, m_tot, zpt): """ Convert total magnitude into amplitude parameter for the smooth model. Parameters ---------- m_tot : float Total magnitude in the smooth component of the system. zpt : float Photometric zero point. Returns ------- mu_e : float Surface brightness at the effective radius of the Sersic distribution in mags per square arcsec. amplitude : float Amplitude parameter for the smooth model in image flux units. param_name : str Name of amplitude parameter (needed to set its value when generating the smooth model). """ param_name = 'amplitude' b_n = gammaincinv(2.0 * self.n, 0.5) f_n = gamma(2 * self.n) *self.n * np.exp(b_n) / b_n**(2 * self.n) r_circ = self.r_sky * np.sqrt(1 - self.ellip) area = np.pi *'arcsec').value**2 mu_e = m_tot + 2.5 * np.log10(2 * area) + 2.5 * np.log10(f_n) amplitude = 10**(0.4 * (zpt - mu_e)) * self.pixel_scale.value**2 return mu_e, amplitude, param_name
def _check_label_type(ssp, label_type, has_phases=True): if label_type is not None: if label_type == 'phases' and has_phases: labels = ssp.get_star_phases() elif hasattr(ssp, label_type): labels = getattr(ssp, label_type) else: raise Exception(f'{label_type} is not a valid label type.') else: labels = None return labels
[docs]class MISTSersicSSP(SersicSP): """ MIST simple stellar population with a Sersic spatial distribution. This is a convenience class that combines `` and `~artpop.stars.MISTSSP` to make a `~artpop.source.Source` object. .. note:: You must give `total_mass` *or* `num_stars`. Parameters ---------- log_age : float Log (base 10) of the simple stellar population age in years. feh : float Metallicity [Fe/H] of the simple stellar population. phot_system : str or list-like Name of the photometric system(s). r_eff : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Effective radius of the source. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `kpc`. Must be greater than zero. n : float Sersic index. Must be greater than zero. theta : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Rotation angle, counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `degree`. ellip : float Ellipticity defined as `1 - b/a`, where `b` is the semi-minor axis and `a` is the semi-major axis. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `Mpc`. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `arcsec / pixels`. Default is `0.2 arcsec / pixel`. num_stars : int or `None` Number of stars in source. If `None`, then must give `total_mass`. total_mass : float or `None` Stellar mass of the source. If `None`, then must give `num_stars`. This mass accounts for stellar remnants, so the actual sampled mass will be less than the given value. a_lam : float or dict, optional Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will be applied to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as the observational filters. add_remnants : bool, optional If True (default), apply scaling factor to total mass to account for stellar remnants in the form of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. mag_limit : float, optional Only sample individual stars that are brighter than this magnitude. All fainter stars will be combined into an integrated component. Otherwise, all stars in the population will be sampled. You must also give the `mag_limit_band` if you use this parameter. mag_limit_band : str, optional Bandpass of the limiting magnitude. You must give this parameter if you use the `mag_limit` parameter. imf : str, optional The initial stellar mass function. Default is `'kroupa'`. imf_kw : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for sampling the stellar mass function. mist_path : str, optional Path to MIST isochrone grids. Use this if you want to use a different path from the `MIST_PATH` environment variable. num_r_eff : float, optional Number of r_eff to sample positions within. This parameter is needed because the current Sersic sampling function samples from within a discrete grid. Default is 10. mass_tolerance : float, optional Tolerance in the fractional difference between the input mass and the final mass of the population. The parameter is only used when `total_mass` is given. dx : float, optional Shift from center of image in the x direction. dy : float, optional Shift from center of image in the y direction. label_type : str, optional If not None, the type of labels to pass to the `~artpop.source.Source` object. Can be `phases` or an attribute of `~artpop.stars.MISTSSP`. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. """ def __init__(self, log_age, feh, phot_system, r_eff, n, theta, ellip, distance, xy_dim, pixel_scale, num_stars=None, total_mass=None, a_lam=0.0, add_remnants=True, mag_limit=None, mag_limit_band=None, imf='kroupa', imf_kw=None, mist_path=MIST_PATH, num_r_eff=10, mass_tolerance=0.01, dx=0, dy=0, label_type=None, random_state=None): self.ssp_kw = dict(log_age=log_age, feh=feh, phot_system=phot_system, distance=distance, a_lam=a_lam, total_mass=total_mass, num_stars=num_stars, imf=imf, mist_path=mist_path, imf_kw=imf_kw, random_state=random_state, mag_limit=mag_limit, mag_limit_band=mag_limit_band, add_remnants=add_remnants, mass_tolerance=mass_tolerance) ssp = MISTSSP(**self.ssp_kw) labels = _check_label_type(ssp, label_type) super(MISTSersicSSP, self).__init__( sp=ssp, r_eff=r_eff, n=n, theta=theta, ellip=ellip, xy_dim=xy_dim, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, num_r_eff=num_r_eff, dx=dx, dy=dy, labels=labels)
[docs]class PlummerSP(Source): """ Simple stellar population with a Plummer spatial distribution. Parameters ---------- sp : `~artpop.stars.populations.StellarPopulation` A stellar population object. scale_radius : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius of the source. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `kpc`. Must be greater than zero. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `arcsec / pixels`. Default is `0.2 arcsec / pixel`. dx : float, optional Shift from center of image in the x direction. dy : float, optional Shift from center of image in the y direction. labels : list-like, optional Labels for the stars. For example, EEP values (int or float) or name of evolutionary phase (str). """ def __init__(self, sp, scale_radius, xy_dim, pixel_scale, dx=0, dy=0, labels=None): self.sp = sp self.mag_limit = sp.mag_limit self.mag_limit_band = sp.mag_limit_band self.smooth_model = None if self.mag_limit is not None and sp.frac_num_sampled < 1.0: _rs = check_units(scale_radius, 'kpc').to('Mpc').value _distance = check_units(sp.distance, 'Mpc').to('Mpc').value _pixel_scale = check_units(pixel_scale, u.arcsec / u.pixel) self.r_sky = np.arctan2(_rs, _distance) *'arcsec') self.r_sky *= u.arcsec r_pix ='pixel', u.pixel_scale(_pixel_scale)).value xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) x_0, y_0 = xy_dim//2 x_0 += dx y_0 += dy self.smooth_model = Plummer2D(x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, scale_radius=r_pix) self.xy_kw = dict(num_stars=sp.num_stars, scale_radius=scale_radius, distance=sp.distance, xy_dim=xy_dim, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, dx=dx, dy=dy, random_state=sp.rng) _xy = plummer_xy(**self.xy_kw) super(PlummerSP, self).__init__( _xy, sp.mag_table, xy_dim, pixel_scale, labels)
[docs] def mag_to_image_amplitude(self, m_tot, zpt): """ Convert total magnitude into amplitude parameter for the smooth model. Parameters ---------- m_tot : float Total magnitude in the smooth component of the system. zpt : float Photometric zero point. Returns ------- mu_0 : float Central surface brightness of the Plummer distribution in mags per square arcsec. amplitude : float Amplitude parameter for the smooth model in image flux units. param_name : str Name of amplitude parameter (needed to set its value when generating the smooth model). """ param_name = 'amplitude' area = np.pi *'arcsec').value**2 flux = 10**(0.4 * (zpt - m_tot)) mu_0 = zpt - 2.5 * np.log10(flux / area) amplitude = (flux / area) * self.pixel_scale.value**2 return mu_0, amplitude, param_name
[docs]class MISTPlummerSSP(PlummerSP): """ MIST simple stellar population with a Plummer spatial distribution. .. note:: You must give `total_mass` *or* `num_stars`. Parameters ---------- log_age : float Log (base 10) of the simple stellar population age in years. feh : float Metallicity [Fe/H] of the simple stellar population. phot_system : str or list-like Name of the photometric system(s). scale_radius : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius of the source. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `kpc`. Must be greater than zero. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `Mpc`. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `arcsec / pixels`. Default is `0.2 arcsec / pixel`. num_stars : int or `None` Number of stars in source. If `None`, then must give `total_mass`. total_mass : float or `None` Stellar mass of the source. If `None`, then must give `num_stars`. This mass accounts for stellar remnants, so the actual sampled mass will be less than the given value. a_lam : float or dict, optional Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will be applied to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as the observational filters. add_remnants : bool, optional If True (default), apply scaling factor to total mass to account for stellar remnants in the form of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. mag_limit : float, optional Only sample individual stars that are brighter than this magnitude. All fainter stars will be combined into an integrated component. Otherwise, all stars in the population will be sampled. You must also give the `mag_limit_band` if you use this parameter. mag_limit_band : str, optional Bandpass of the limiting magnitude. You must give this parameter if you use the `mag_limit` parameter. imf : str, optional The initial stellar mass function. Default is `'kroupa'`. imf_kw : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for sampling the stellar mass function. mist_path : str, optional Path to MIST isochrone grids. Use this if you want to use a different path from the `MIST_PATH` environment variable. mass_tolerance : float, optional Tolerance in the fractional difference between the input mass and the final mass of the population. The parameter is only used when `total_mass` is given. dx : float, optional Shift from center of image in the x direction. dy : float, optional Shift from center of image in the y direction. label_type : str, optional If not None, the type of labels to pass to the `~artpop.source.Source` object. Can be `phases` or an attribute of `~artpop.stars.MISTSSP`. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. """ def __init__(self, log_age, feh, phot_system, scale_radius, distance, xy_dim, pixel_scale, num_stars=None, total_mass=None, a_lam=0.0, add_remnants=True, mag_limit=None, mag_limit_band=None, imf='kroupa', imf_kw=None, mist_path=MIST_PATH, mass_tolerance=0.01, dx=0, dy=0, label_type=None, random_state=None): self.ssp_kw = dict(log_age=log_age, feh=feh, phot_system=phot_system, distance=distance, total_mass=total_mass, a_lam=a_lam, num_stars=num_stars, imf=imf, mist_path=mist_path, imf_kw=imf_kw, random_state=random_state, mag_limit=mag_limit, mag_limit_band=mag_limit_band, add_remnants=add_remnants, mass_tolerance=mass_tolerance) ssp = MISTSSP(**self.ssp_kw) labels = _check_label_type(ssp, label_type) super(MISTPlummerSSP, self).__init__( sp=ssp, scale_radius=scale_radius, xy_dim=xy_dim, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, dx=dx, dy=dy, labels=labels)
[docs]class UniformSSP(Source): """ Simple stellar population with a uniform spatial distribution. Parameters ---------- isochrone : `~artpop.stars.Isochrone` Isochrone object. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `Mpc`. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. sb : float Surface brightness of of uniform stellar distribution. sb_band : str Photometric filter of ``sb``. Must be part of ``phot_system``. a_lam : float or dict, optional Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will be applied to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as the observational filters. mag_limit : float, optional Only sample individual stars that are brighter than this magnitude. All fainter stars will be combined into an integrated component. Otherwise, all stars in the population will be sampled. You must also give the `mag_limit_band` if you use this parameter. mag_limit_band : str, optional Bandpass of the limiting magnitude. You must give this parameter if you use the `mag_limit` parameter. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `arcsec / pixels`. Default is `0.2 arcsec / pixel`. imf : str, optional The initial stellar mass function. Default is `'kroupa'`. imf_kw : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for sampling the stellar mass function. ssp_kw : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments for `~artpop.stars.SSP`. label_type : str, optional If not None, the type of labels to pass to the `~artpop.source.Source` object. Must be an attribute of `~artpop.stars.SSP`. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. """ def __init__(self, isochrone, distance, xy_dim, pixel_scale, sb, sb_band, a_lam=0.0, mag_limit=None, mag_limit_band=None, imf='kroupa', imf_kw=None, label_type=None, random_state=None): self.isochrone = isochrone self.mag_limit = mag_limit self.mag_limit_band = mag_limit_band self.smooth_model = None mean_mag = isochrone.ssp_mag( sb_band, norm_type='number', m_min_norm=isochrone.m_min, m_max_norm=isochrone.m_max) stars_per_pix = constant_sb_stars_per_pix( sb, mean_mag, distance, pixel_scale) xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) self.ssp_kw = { 'imf': imf, 'a_lam': a_lam, 'mag_limit': mag_limit, 'mag_limit_band': mag_limit_band, 'distance': distance, 'total_mass': None, 'num_stars': int(stars_per_pix * np.multiply(*xy_dim)), 'random_state': random_state, 'imf_kw': imf_kw } if type(isochrone) == MISTIsochrone: self.ssp_kw['log_age'] = isochrone.log_age self.ssp_kw['feh'] = isochrone.feh self.ssp_kw['phot_system'] = isochrone.phot_system self.ssp_kw['v_over_vcrit'] = isochrone.v_over_vcrit self.ssp_kw['mist_path'] = isochrone.mist_path self.sp = MISTSSP(**self.ssp_kw) labels = _check_label_type(self.sp, label_type) else: self.sp = SSP(isochrone, **self.ssp_kw) labels = _check_label_type(self.sp, label_type, False) if mag_limit is not None and self.sp.frac_num_sampled < 1.0: self.smooth_model = Constant2D() self.xy_kw = dict(num_stars=self.sp.num_stars, xy_dim=xy_dim, random_state=self.sp.rng) _xy = uniform_xy(**self.xy_kw) super(UniformSSP, self).__init__( _xy, self.sp.mag_table, xy_dim, pixel_scale, labels)
[docs] def mag_to_image_amplitude(self, m_tot, zpt): """ Convert total magnitude into amplitude parameter for the smooth model. Parameters ---------- m_tot : float Total magnitude in the smooth component of the system. zpt : float Photometric zero point. Returns ------- mu : float Constant surface brightness in mags per square arcsec. amplitude : float Amplitude parameter for the smooth model in image flux units. param_name : str Name of amplitude parameter (needed to set its value when generating the smooth model). """ param_name = 'amplitude' area = np.multiply(*self.xy_dim) flux = 10**(0.4 * (zpt - m_tot)) amplitude = flux / area mu = zpt - 2.5 * np.log10(amplitude / self.pixel_scale.value**2) return mu, amplitude, param_name
[docs]class MISTUniformSSP(UniformSSP): """ MIST simple stellar population with a uniform spatial distribution. .. note:: You must give `total_mass` *or* `num_stars`. Parameters ---------- log_age : float Log (base 10) of the simple stellar population age in years. feh : float Metallicity [Fe/H] of the simple stellar population. phot_system : str or list-like Name of the photometric system(s). distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `Mpc`. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `arcsec / pixels`. Default is `0.2 arcsec / pixel`. sb : float Surface brightness of of uniform stellar distribution. sb_band : str Photometric filter of ``sb``. Must be part of ``phot_system``. a_lam : float or dict, optional Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will be applied to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as the observational filters. mag_limit : float, optional Only sample individual stars that are brighter than this magnitude. All fainter stars will be combined into an integrated component. Otherwise, all stars in the population will be sampled. You must also give the `mag_limit_band` if you use this parameter. mag_limit_band : str, optional Bandpass of the limiting magnitude. You must give this parameter if you use the `mag_limit` parameter. imf : str, optional The initial stellar mass function. Default is `'kroupa'`. imf_kw : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for sampling the stellar mass function. ssp_kw : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments for `~artpop.stars.SSP`. mist_path : str, optional Path to MIST isochrone grids. Use this if you want to use a different path from the `MIST_PATH` environment variable. label_type : str, optional If not None, the type of labels to pass to the `~artpop.source.Source` object. Can be `phases` or an attribute of `~artpop.stars.MISTSSP`. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. """ def __init__(self, log_age, feh, phot_system, distance, xy_dim, pixel_scale, sb, sb_band, a_lam=0.0, mag_limit=None, mag_limit_band=None, imf='kroupa', imf_kw=None, mist_path=MIST_PATH, label_type=None, random_state=None, **kwargs): self.iso_kw = dict(log_age=log_age, feh=feh, phot_system=phot_system, mist_path=mist_path) self.iso_kw.update(kwargs) iso = MISTIsochrone(**self.iso_kw) super(MISTUniformSSP, self).__init__( isochrone=iso, distance=distance, xy_dim=xy_dim, sb=sb, sb_band=sb_band, a_lam=a_lam, mag_limit=mag_limit, mag_limit_band=mag_limit_band, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, imf=imf, imf_kw=imf_kw, label_type=label_type, random_state=random_state)