Source code for

# Third-party
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling.models import Sersic2D

# Project
from ..util import check_random_state, check_units, check_xy_dim
from ..log import logger

__all__ = ['xy_from_grid', 'sersic_xy', 'plummer_xy', 'uniform_xy']

def _check_offset(xy_dim, dx, dy):
    """Check if center of source falls within image."""
    center = np.array([xy_dim[0]//2 + dx, xy_dim[1]//2 + dy])
    if np.any(center <= 0.) or np.any(center >= xy_dim):
        raise Exception(f'Center = {center} falls outside of the image.')

[docs]def xy_from_grid(num_stars, model, xy_dim, sample_dim=None, dx=0, dy=0, drop_outside=False, random_state=None): """ Sample xy positions from a discrete grid weighted by an arbitrary model. Parameters ---------- num_stars : int Number of stars (i.e., positions) to sample. model : `~astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` A two-dimensional ``astropy`` model or a callable object that takes x and y grid positions arguments: `model(xx, yy)`. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. sample_dim : int or None, optional Square dimension to sample within. This is useful if the mock image size is small compared to the scale of the model. To be useful, `sample_dim` should be larger than `xy_dim`. dx : float, optional Shift from center of image in pixels in the x direction. dy : float, optional Shift from center of image in pixels in the y direction. drop_outside : bool, optional If True, drop all stars that fall outside of the image. In this case, the returned `~numpy.ndarray` will not be masked. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. Returns ------- xy : `` or `~numpy.ndarray` Masked numpy array of xy positions. Positions that fall outside the mock image are masked. If ``drop_outside == True``, then the stars that fall outside of the image will be dropped and the returned array will not be masked. """ xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) _check_offset(xy_dim, dx, dy) if sample_dim is None: sample_dim = max(xy_dim) num_pix = 2 * sample_dim**2 byte_per_pixel = 8 memory_in_GB = (byte_per_pixel * num_pix) / 1e9 if memory_in_GB > 1: msg = "This sampling grid will exceed 1 Gb in memory usage." logger.warning(msg) x_0, y_0 = sample_dim//2, sample_dim//2 yy, xx = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sample_dim), np.arange(sample_dim)) image = model(xx, yy) weights = image.flatten() weights /= np.sum(weights) rng = check_random_state(random_state) samples = rng.choice(len(weights), size=int(num_stars), p=weights) x, y = np.unravel_index(samples, (sample_dim, sample_dim), order='C') shift = (sample_dim - xy_dim) // 2 x -= shift[0] y -= shift[1] x_0 -= shift[0] y_0 -= shift[1] x += dx y += dy xy = np.vstack([x, y]).T xy =, mask=np.zeros_like(xy, dtype=bool)) if xy_dim[0] < sample_dim or xy_dim[1] < sample_dim: outside_image = x < 0 outside_image |= x > xy_dim[0] - 1 outside_image |= y < 0 outside_image |= y > xy_dim[1] - 1 if outside_image.sum() > 0: msg = '{} stars outside the image'.format(outside_image.sum()) logger.warning(msg) xy.mask = np.column_stack((outside_image, outside_image)) if drop_outside: xy = xy[~outside_image].data return xy
[docs]def sersic_xy(num_stars, distance, xy_dim, pixel_scale, r_eff=500*u.pc, n=1.0, theta=45*u.deg, ellip=0.3, num_r_eff=10, dx=0, dy=0, drop_outside=False, random_state=None): """ Sample xy positions from a two-dimensional Sersic distribution. .. note:: To sample the Sersic distribution, `` is used. This means that large sources (and/or large `num_r_eff`) eat up a lot of memory. Parameters ---------- num_stars : int Number of stars (i.e., positions) to sample. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `~astropy.units.Mpc`. xy_dim : list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `~astropy.units.arcsec` per `~astropy.units.pixels`. r_eff : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Effective radius of the source. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `~astropy.units.kpc`. Must be greater than zero. n : float, optional Sersic index. Must be greater than zero. theta : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Rotation angle, counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `degree`. ellip : float, optional Ellipticity defined as `1 - b/a`, where `b` is the semi-minor axis and `a` is the semi-major axis. num_r_eff : float, optional Number of r_eff to sample positions within. This parameter is needed because the current Sersic sampling function samples from within a discrete grid. Default is 10. dx : float, optional Shift from center of image in pixels in the x direction. dy : float, optional Shift from center of image in pixels in the y direction. drop_outside : bool, optional If True, drop all stars that fall outside of the image. In this case, the returned `~numpy.ndarray` will not be masked. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. Returns ------- xy : `` Masked numpy array of xy positions. Positions that fall outside the mock image are masked. """ if n <= 0: raise Exception('Sersic index n must be greater than zero.') xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) _check_offset(xy_dim, dx, dy) r_eff = check_units(r_eff, 'kpc').to('Mpc').value theta = check_units(theta, 'deg').to('radian').value distance = check_units(distance, 'Mpc').to('Mpc').value pixel_scale = check_units(pixel_scale, u.arcsec / u.pixel) if r_eff <= 0: raise Exception('Effective radius must be greater than zero.') r_pix = np.arctan2(r_eff, distance) *'arcsec') * u.arcsec r_pix ='pixel', u.pixel_scale(pixel_scale)).value sample_dim = 2 * np.ceil(r_pix * num_r_eff).astype(int) + 1 x_0, y_0 = sample_dim//2, sample_dim//2 model = Sersic2D(x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, amplitude=1, r_eff=r_pix, n=n, ellip=ellip, theta=theta) xy = xy_from_grid(num_stars, model, xy_dim, sample_dim, dx, dy, drop_outside=drop_outside, random_state=random_state) return xy
[docs]def plummer_xy(num_stars, distance, xy_dim, pixel_scale, scale_radius=10*u.pc, dx=0, dy=0, drop_outside=False, random_state=None): """ Sample xy positions from a two-dimensional Plummer distributions using inverse transform sampling. Parameters ---------- num_stars : int Number of stars (i.e., positions) to sample. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `~astropy.units.Mpc`. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `~astropy.units.arcsec` per `~astropy.units.pixels`. scale_radius : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Scale radius of the source. If a float is given, the units are assumed to be `~astropy.units.kpc`. Must be greater than zero. dx : float, optional Shift from center of image in pixels in the x direction. dy : float, optional Shift from center of image in pixels in the y direction. drop_outside : bool, optional If True, drop all stars that fall outside of the image. In this case, the returned `~numpy.ndarray` will not be masked. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. Returns ------- xy : `` or `~numpy.ndarray` Masked numpy array of xy positions. Positions that fall outside the mock image are masked. If ``drop_outside == True``, then the stars that fall outside of the image will be dropped and the returned array will not be masked. """ xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) _check_offset(xy_dim, dx, dy) scale_radius = check_units(scale_radius, 'kpc').to('Mpc').value distance = check_units(distance, 'Mpc').to('Mpc').value r_sky = np.arctan2(scale_radius, distance) *'arcsec') pixel_scale = check_units(pixel_scale, u.arcsec / u.pixel) rng = check_random_state(random_state) s = rng.random(size=int(num_stars)) r = u.arcsec * r_sky / np.sqrt(s**(-2 / 3) - 1) r ='pixel', u.pixel_scale(pixel_scale)).value phi = rng.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, size=len(r)) theta = np.arccos(2 * rng.random(size=len(r)) - 1) xy = np.zeros((len(r), 2)) shift = xy_dim / 2 xy[:, 0] = r * np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) + shift[0] + dx xy[:, 1] = r * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) + shift[1] + dy x_outside = (xy[:, 0] < 0) | (xy[:, 0] >= xy_dim[0]) y_outside = (xy[:, 1] < 0) | (xy[:, 1] >= xy_dim[1]) xy =, mask=np.zeros_like(xy, dtype=bool)) outside_image = x_outside | y_outside if outside_image.sum() > 0: msg = '{} stars outside the image'.format(outside_image.sum()) logger.warning(msg) xy.mask = np.column_stack((outside_image, outside_image)) if drop_outside: xy = xy[~outside_image].data return xy
[docs]def uniform_xy(num_stars, xy_dim, random_state=None): """ Sample xy positions from a uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- num_stars : int Number of stars (i.e., positions) to sample. xy_dim : int or list-like Dimensions of the mock image in xy coordinates. If int is given, will make the x and y dimensions the same. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. Returns ------- xy : `~numpy.array` xy pixel positions. """ num_stars = int(num_stars) xy_dim = check_xy_dim(xy_dim) rng = check_random_state(random_state) xy = np.vstack([rng.uniform(0, xy_dim[0], num_stars), rng.uniform(0, xy_dim[1], num_stars)]).T return xy