Source code for artpop.stars.populations

# Standard library
import os, abc
import pickle
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

# Third-party
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u

# Project
from .. import MIST_PATH
from ..util import check_random_state, check_units
from ..log import logger
from .imf import sample_imf, build_galaxy, IMFIntegrator
from .isochrones import MISTIsochrone

__all__ = ['SSP', 'MISTSSP', 'constant_sb_stars_per_pix']

class StellarPopulation(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    Stellar population base class.

    distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
        Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed
        to be `~astropy.units.Mpc`. Default distance is 10 `~astropy.units.pc`
        (i.e., the mags are in absolute units).
    a_lam : float or dict, optional
        Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will be applied
        to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as the observational filters.
    imf : str or dict
        Which IMF to use, if str then must be one of pre-defined: 'kroupa',
        'scalo' or 'salpeter'. Can also specify custom (broken) power law as dict,
        which must contain either 'a' as a Float (describing the slope of a
        single power law) or 'a' (a list with 3 elements describing the slopes
        of a broken power law) and 'b' (a list  with 2 elements describing the
        locations of the breaks).

    def __init__(self, distance=10.0 * u.pc, a_lam=0.0, imf='kroupa', imf_kw=None):
        self.imf = imf
        self.imf_kw = {} if imf_kw is None else imf_kw
        self.distance = check_units(distance, 'Mpc')
        self.a_lam = a_lam

    def build_pop(self, num_stars=None, **kwargs):
        """Build stellar population."""
        return NotImplementedError()

    def dist_mod(self):
        """The distance modulus."""
        return 5 * np.log10('pc').value) - 5

    def num_pops(self):
        The number of simple stellar populations that composes this pop.
        return 1 if type(self.isochrone) != list else len(self.isochrone)

    def total_initial_live_mass(self):
        """Total initial stellar mass in solar units."""
        return self.initial_masses.sum() * u.M_sun

    def num_stars(self):
        """Number stars in population."""
        return len(self.star_masses)

    def abs_mag_table(self):
        """Absolute magnitudes in a `~astropy.table.Table` object."""
        return Table(self.abs_mags)

    def mag_table(self):
        """Apparent magnitudes in a `~astropy.table.Table` object."""
        _mags = {}
        for filt in self.filters:
            _mags[filt] = self.star_mags(filt)
        return Table(_mags)

    def a_lam(self):
        """Return extinction dictionary."""
        return self._a_lam

    def a_lam(self, a_lam):
        Set the extinction magnitude dictionary. Warn user if the
        given a_lam filter is not in the filter set.

        a_lam : float or dict, optional
            Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will
            be applied to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as
            the observational filters.
        if isinstance(a_lam, dict):
            self._a_lam = {filt: 0.0 for filt in self.filters}
            for filt in a_lam.keys():
                if filt in self.filters:
                    self._a_lam[filt] = a_lam[filt]
                        f'{filt} not in filter set. '
                        f'Will ignore a_lam for this filter.'
            self._a_lam = {filt: a_lam for filt in self.filters}

    def to_pickle(self, file_name):
        """Pickle stellar population object."""
        pkl_file = open(file_name, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(self, pkl_file)

    def from_pickle(file_name):
        """Load pickle of stellar population object."""
        pkl_file = open(file_name, 'rb')
        data = pickle.load(pkl_file)
        return data

    def _remnants_factor(self, **kwargs):
        Correction factor to account for stellar remnants in the final mass.
        The mass in luminous stars is given by M_total * factor.
        m_without_remnants = self.isochrone.ssp_surviving_mass(
            self.imf, add_remnants=False, **kwargs)
        m_with_remnants = self.isochrone.ssp_surviving_mass(
            self.imf, add_remnants=True, **kwargs)
        factor = m_without_remnants / m_with_remnants
        return factor

    def copy(self):
        return deepcopy(self)

    def set_distance(self, distance):
        Change the distance to the stellar population.

        distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed
            to be `~astropy.units.Mpc`.
        self.distance = check_units(distance, 'Mpc')

    def star_mags(self, bandpass, select=None):
        Get the stellar apparent magnitudes.

        bandpass : str
            Filter of observation. Must be a filter in the given
            photometric system(s).
        select : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            Boolean mask for selecting stars (True for stars to include).

        mags : `~numpy.ndarray`
            The stellar apparent magnitudes in the given bandpass.
        mags = self.abs_mags[bandpass] + self.dist_mod + self.a_lam[bandpass]
        if select is not None:
            mags = mags[select]
        return mags

    def mag_integrated_component(self, bandpass):
        Get the magnitude of the integrated component of the population if
        it exists.

        bandpass : str
            Filter of observation. Must be a filter in the given
            photometric system(s).

        mag : float
            The integrated magnitude if it exists. Otherwise None is returned.
        if hasattr(self, 'integrated_abs_mags'):
            mag = self.integrated_abs_mags[bandpass] + self.dist_mod + self.a_lam[bandpass]
            mag = None
        return mag

    def sbf_mag(self, bandpass):
        Calculate the apparent SBF magnitude of the stellar population.

        bandpass : str
            Filter of observation. Must be a filter in the given
            photometric system(s).

        mbar : float
            The apparent SBF magnitude of the stellar population in the given
        integrated = self.mag_integrated_component(bandpass)
        if integrated is not None:
            f_int = 10**(-0.4*integrated)
            log_dddd = 4 * np.log10('cm').value)
            ff_int = 10**(self._integrated_log_lumlum[bandpass] - log_dddd)
            f_int = 0.0
            ff_int = 0.0
        f_i = 10**(-0.4 * (self.star_mags(bandpass)))
        ff = np.sum(f_i**2) + ff_int
        f = np.sum(f_i) + f_int
        mbar = -2.5 * np.log10(ff / f)
        return mbar

    def integrated_color(self, blue, red, select=None):
        Calculate the population's integrated color.

        blue : str
            The blue bandpass. Must be a filter in the
            given photometric system(s).
        red : str
            The red bandpass. Must be a filter in the
            given photometric system(s).
        select : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            Boolean mask for selecting stars (True for stars to include).

        color : float
            The integrated color.
        blue_int = self.mag_integrated_component(blue)
        if select is None and blue_int is not None:
            f_blue_int = 10**(-0.4*blue_int)
            f_red_int = 10**(-0.4*self.mag_integrated_component(red))
            f_blue_int = 0.0
            f_red_int = 0.0
        blue_mag = self.star_mags(blue, select)
        F_blue = np.sum(10**(-0.4 * blue_mag)) + f_blue_int
        red_mag = self.star_mags(red, select)
        F_red = np.sum(10**(-0.4 * red_mag)) + f_red_int
        color = -2.5 * np.log10(F_blue / F_red)
        return color

    def mean_mag(self, bandpass, select=None):
        Calculate the population's mean magnitude.

        bandpass : str
            Filter of observation. Must be a filter in the given
            photometric system(s).
        select : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            Boolean mask for selecting stars (True for stars to include).

        mag : float
            The mean magnitude in the given bandpass.
        integrated = self.mag_integrated_component(bandpass)
        if select is None and integrated is not None:
            f_int = 10**(-0.4*integrated)
            n_int = self.num_stars_integrated
            f_int = 0.0
            n_int = 0.0
        mags = self.star_mags(bandpass, select)
        mean_flux = ((10**(-0.4*mags)).sum() + f_int) / (len(mags) + n_int)
        mag = -2.5 * np.log10(mean_flux)
        return mag

    def total_mag(self, bandpass, select=None):
        Calculate the population's total magnitude.

        bandpass : str
            Filter of observation. Must be a filter in the given
            photometric system(s).
        select : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            Boolean mask for selecting stars (True for stars to include).

        mag : float
            The total magnitude in the given bandpass.
        integrated = self.mag_integrated_component(bandpass)
        if select is None and integrated is not None:
            f_int = 10**(-0.4*integrated)
            f_int = 0.0
        mags = self.star_mags(bandpass, select)
        total_flux = (10**(-0.4*mags)).sum() + f_int
        mag = -2.5 * np.log10(total_flux)
        return mag

[docs]class SSP(StellarPopulation): """ Generic Simple Stellar Population (SSP). .. note:: You must give `total_mass` *or* `num_stars`. Parameters ---------- isochrone : `~artpop.stars.Isochrone` Isochrone object. num_stars : int or `None` Number of stars in source. If `None`, then must give `total_mass`. total_mass : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` Stellar mass of the source. If `None`, then must give `num_stars`. This mass accounts for stellar remnants when ``add_remnants = True``, which means the actual sampled mass will be less than the given value. If float is given, the units are assumed to be solar masses. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `~astropy.units.Mpc`. Default distance is 10 `~astropy.units.pc`. a_lam : float or dict, optional Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will be applied to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as the observational filters. mag_limit : float, optional Only sample individual stars that are brighter than this magnitude. All fainter stars will be combined into an integrated component. Otherwise, all stars in the population will be sampled. You must also give the `mag_limit_band` if you use this parameter. mag_limit_band : str, optional Bandpass of the limiting magnitude. You must give this parameter if you use the `mag_limit` parameter. imf : str or dict Which IMF to use, if str then must be one of pre-defined: 'kroupa', 'scalo' or 'salpeter'. Can also specify custom (broken) power law as dict, which must contain either 'a' as a Float (describing the slope of a single power law) or 'a' (a list with 3 elements describing the slopes of a broken power law) and 'b' (a list with 2 elements describing the locations of the breaks). imf_kw : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for sampling the stellar mass function. mass_tolerance : float, optional Tolerance in the fractional difference between the input mass and the final mass of the population. The parameter is only used when `total_mass` is given. add_remnants : bool, optional If True (default), apply scaling factor to total mass to account for stellar remnants in the form of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. """ def __init__(self, isochrone, num_stars=None, total_mass=None, distance=10*u.pc, a_lam=0.0, mag_limit=None, mag_limit_band=None, imf='kroupa', imf_kw=None, mass_tolerance=0.01, add_remnants=True, random_state=None): self.isochrone = isochrone self.filters = isochrone.filters super(SSP, self).__init__(distance=distance, a_lam=a_lam, imf=imf, imf_kw=imf_kw) self.mag_limit = mag_limit self.mag_limit_band = mag_limit_band self.rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.build_pop(num_stars, total_mass, mass_tolerance, add_remnants) self._r = {'M_star': f'{self.total_mass.value:.2e} M_sun'}
[docs] def build_pop(self, num_stars=None, total_mass=None, mass_tolerance=0.01, add_remnants=True): """ Build the stellar population. You must give `total_mass` *or* `num_stars` as an argument. Parameters ---------- num_stars : int or `None` Number of stars in source. If `None`, then must give `total_mass`. total_mass : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` Stellar mass of the source. If `None`, then must give `num_stars`. This mass accounts for stellar remnants when ``add_remnants = True`` which means the actual sampled mass will be less than the given value. If float is given, the units are assumed to be solar masses. mass_tolerance : float, optional Tolerance in the fractional difference between the input mass and the final mass of the population. The parameter is only used when `total_mass` is given. add_remnants : bool, optional If True (default), apply scaling factor to total mass to account for stellar remnants in the form of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. """ # get isochrone object and info m_min, m_max = self.isochrone.m_min, self.isochrone.m_max imf_kw = self.imf_kw.copy() iso = self.isochrone imfint = IMFIntegrator(self.imf, m_min=m_min, m_max=m_max) remnants_factor = self._remnants_factor() if add_remnants else 1.0 # calculate the fraction of stars we will sample m_lim, f_num_sampled, f_mass_sampled = self.sample_fraction( self.mag_limit, self.mag_limit_band ) # the limiting mass is min mass if 100% of stars will be sampled self.has_integrated_component = m_lim != m_min m_min = m_lim self.sampled_mass_lower_limit = m_lim self.frac_num_sampled = f_num_sampled self.frac_mass_sampled = f_mass_sampled if num_stars is not None: # sample imf num_stars_sample = int(num_stars * f_num_sampled) self.initial_masses = sample_imf( num_stars_sample, m_min=m_min, m_max=m_max, imf=self.imf, random_state=self.rng, imf_kw=imf_kw) # star masses are interpolated from "actual" mass self.star_masses = iso.interpolate('mact', self.initial_masses) # will be < num_stars if f_num_sampled < 1.0. self.num_stars_integrated = int(num_stars - len(self.star_masses)) self.sampled_mass = self.star_masses.sum() elif total_mass is not None: total_mass = check_units(total_mass, 'Msun').to('Msun').value # calculate fraction of mass that remains after mass loss mass_loss = iso.ssp_surviving_mass( imf=self.imf, m_min=iso.m_min, m_max=iso.m_max, add_remnants=False) # we sample less mass than total_mass to account for # stellar remnants and the sample fraction sampled_mass = total_mass * remnants_factor * f_mass_sampled # we increase the sampled mass to account for mass loss sampled_mass /= mass_loss # sample initial masses mean_mass = imfint.m_integrate(m_min, m_max) mean_mass /= imfint.integrate(m_min, m_max) num_stars_iter = int(mass_tolerance * sampled_mass / mean_mass) self.initial_masses = build_galaxy( sampled_mass, m_min=m_min, m_max=m_max, imf=self.imf, random_state=self.rng, num_stars_iter=num_stars_iter, **imf_kw) # star masses are interpolated from "actual" mass self.star_masses = iso.interpolate('mact', self.initial_masses) self.sampled_mass = self.star_masses.sum() # calculate approximate number of stars in integrated component factor = (1 - f_num_sampled) / f_num_sampled self.num_stars_integrated = int(self.num_stars * factor) else: raise Exception('you must give total mass *or* number of stars') self.abs_mags = {} for filt in self.filters: self.abs_mags[filt] = iso.interpolate(filt, self.initial_masses) # update masses and mags if there is an integrated component if self.has_integrated_component: # find evolved stars that are fainter than mag_limit sampled_mags = self.abs_mags[self.mag_limit_band] + self.dist_mod evolved_faint = sampled_mags > self.mag_limit evolved_mags = {} for filt in self.filters: evolved_mags[filt] = self.abs_mags[filt][evolved_faint] self.abs_mags[filt] = self.abs_mags[filt][~evolved_faint] # calculate evolved mass and update integrated star count evolved_mass = self.star_masses[evolved_faint].sum() self.num_stars_integrated += evolved_faint.sum() # update initial and sampled masses self.initial_masses = self.initial_masses[~evolved_faint] self.star_masses = self.star_masses[~evolved_faint] self.sampled_mass = self.star_masses.sum() # calculate normalized IMF weights w = iso.imf_weights(self.imf, m_max_norm=m_max, norm_type='number') _, arg = iso.nearest_mini(m_lim) # update total mass num_stars = self.num_stars_integrated + self.num_stars _mass = num_stars * np.sum(iso.mact[:arg] * w[:arg]) _mass += evolved_mass self.total_mass = (self.sampled_mass + _mass) / remnants_factor # updated integrated absolute magnitudes and luminosity variances self.integrated_abs_mags = {} self._integrated_log_lumlum = {} for filt in iso.filters: mag = iso.mag_table[filt] flux = num_stars * np.sum(10**(-0.4 * mag[: arg]) * w[: arg]) flux += np.sum(10**(-0.4 * evolved_mags[filt])) self.integrated_abs_mags[filt] = -2.5 * np.log10(flux) ff = num_stars * np.sum(10**(-0.8 * mag[: arg]) * w[: arg]) ff += np.sum(10**(-0.8 * evolved_mags[filt])) log_dddd = 4 * np.log10((10 * u.pc).to('cm').value) self._integrated_log_lumlum[filt] = np.log10(ff) + log_dddd else: # calculate total_mass with stellar remnants self.total_mass = self.sampled_mass / remnants_factor self.live_star_mass = self.total_mass * remnants_factor self.ssp_labels = np.ones(len(self.star_masses), dtype=int) self.total_mass *= u.Msun self.sampled_mass *= u.Msun self.live_star_mass *= u.Msun for attr in ['eep', 'log_L', 'log_Teff']: if hasattr(iso, attr): if getattr(iso, attr) is not None: vals_interp = iso.interpolate(attr, self.initial_masses) setattr(self, attr, vals_interp)
[docs] def sample_fraction(self, mag_limit, mag_limit_band): """ Calculate the fraction of stars by mass and number that will be sampled with the give limiting magnitude. Parameters ---------- mag_limit : float, optional Only sample individual stars that are brighter than this magnitude. mag_limit_band : str, optional Bandpass of the limiting magnitude. Returns ------- m_lim : float Initial stellar mass associated with `mag_limit`. f_num_sampled : float Fraction of stars that will be sampled by number. f_mass_sampled : float Fraction of stars that will be sampled by mass. """ iso = self.isochrone imfint = IMFIntegrator(self.imf, iso.m_min, iso.m_max) m_lim = iso.m_min f_num_sampled = 1.0 f_mass_sampled = 1.0 if mag_limit is not None: if mag_limit_band is None: raise Exception('Must give bandpass of limiting magnitude.') mags = iso.mag_table[mag_limit_band] + self.dist_mod if mag_limit < mags.max() and mag_limit > mags.min(): m_lim = iso.mag_to_mass( mag_limit - self.dist_mod, mag_limit_band).min() f_num_sampled = imfint.integrate(m_lim, iso.m_max, True) f_mass_sampled = imfint.m_integrate(m_lim, iso.m_max, True) else: logger.warning(f'mag_lim = {mag_limit} is outside mag range.') return m_lim, f_num_sampled, f_mass_sampled
def __add__(self, ssp): assert StellarPopulation in ssp.__class__.__mro__, 'invalid type(s)' assert self.filters == ssp.filters, 'must have same filters' assert self.distance == ssp.distance, 'SSPs must have same distance' new = deepcopy(self) if ( any([v != 0.0 for v in new.a_lam.values()]) or any([v != 0.0 for v in ssp.a_lam.values()]) ): logger.warning( 'Extinction is currently not supported for composite ' 'populations. All a_lam will be set to zero.' ) # No need to set the ssp.a_lam values to zero. for filt in new.filters: new.a_lam[filt] = 0.0 if type(new.isochrone) != list: new.isochrone = [new.isochrone] if type(ssp.isochrone) != list: new.isochrone.append(ssp.isochrone) else: new.isochrone.extend(ssp.isochrone) if not hasattr(new, 'ssp_total_masses'): new.ssp_total_masses = [new.total_mass] if not hasattr(ssp, 'ssp_total_masses'): ssp.ssp_total_masses = [ssp.total_mass] new.ssp_total_masses.extend(ssp.ssp_total_masses) if not hasattr(new, 'ssp_total_num_stars'): _n = new.num_stars + new.num_stars_integrated new.ssp_total_num_stars = [_n] if not hasattr(ssp, 'ssp_total_num_stars'): _n = ssp.num_stars + ssp.num_stars_integrated ssp.ssp_total_num_stars = [_n] new.ssp_total_num_stars.extend(ssp.ssp_total_num_stars) new.total_mass = new.total_mass + ssp.total_mass new.sampled_mass = new.sampled_mass + ssp.sampled_mass new.live_star_mass = new.live_star_mass + ssp.live_star_mass new.frac_mass_sampled = new.sampled_mass / new.live_star_mass new_num_stars_total = new.num_stars + new.num_stars_integrated ssp_num_stars_total = ssp.num_stars + ssp.num_stars_integrated total_num_stars = new_num_stars_total + ssp_num_stars_total new.num_stars_integrated += ssp.num_stars_integrated new.initial_masses = np.concatenate( [new.initial_masses, ssp.initial_masses]) new.star_masses = np.concatenate([new.star_masses, ssp.star_masses]) new.frac_num_sampled = new.num_stars / total_num_stars new.ssp_num_fracs = [] new.ssp_mass_fracs = [] for n, m in zip(new.ssp_total_num_stars, new.ssp_total_masses): new.ssp_num_fracs.append(n / total_num_stars) new.ssp_mass_fracs.append(m / new.total_mass) # Loop over optional attributes. # Both SSPs must have the attribute to add them. for attr in ['eep', 'log_L', 'log_Teff']: if hasattr(new, attr) and hasattr(ssp, attr): new_attr = getattr(new, attr) ssp_attr = getattr(ssp, attr) setattr(new, attr, np.concatenate([new_attr, ssp_attr])) new_label = np.ones(len(ssp.star_masses), dtype=int) new_label *= len(new.isochrone) new.ssp_labels = np.concatenate([new.ssp_labels, new_label]) if hasattr(new, 'log_age'): if type(new.log_age) != list: new.log_age = [new.log_age] new.log_age.append(ssp.log_age) if hasattr(new, 'feh'): if type(new.feh) != list: new.feh = [new.feh] new.feh.append(ssp.feh) for filt in new.filters: _mags = [new.abs_mags[filt], ssp.abs_mags[filt]] new.abs_mags[filt] = np.concatenate(_mags) if new.has_integrated_component and ssp.has_integrated_component: new_flux = 10**(-0.4 * new.integrated_abs_mags[filt]) ssp_flux = 10**(-0.4 * ssp.integrated_abs_mags[filt]) flux = new_flux + ssp_flux new.integrated_abs_mags[filt] = -2.5 * np.log10(flux) new_lumlum = 10**new._integrated_log_lumlum[filt] ssp_lumlum = 10**ssp._integrated_log_lumlum[filt] log_lumlum = np.log10(new_lumlum + ssp_lumlum) new._integrated_log_lumlum[filt] = log_lumlum elif ssp.has_integrated_component: new.integrated_abs_mags[filt] = ssp.integrated_abs_mags[filt] log_lumlum = ssp._integrated_log_lumlum[filt] new._integrated_log_lumlum[filt] = log_lumlum return CompositePopulation(new) def __repr__(self): r = [f'{k} = {v}' for k, v in self._r.items()] t = 'Simple Stellar Population\n-------------------------\n' return t + '\n'.join(r)
[docs]class MISTSSP(SSP): """ MIST Simple Stellar Population. .. note:: You must give `total_mass` *or* `num_stars`. Parameters ---------- log_age : float Log (base 10) of the simple stellar population age in years. feh : float Metallicity [Fe/H] of the simple stellar population. phot_system : str or list-like Name of the photometric system(s). num_stars : int or `None` Number of stars in source. If `None`, then must give `total_mass`. total_mass : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` Stellar mass of the source. If `None`, then must give `num_stars`. This mass accounts for stellar remnants when ``add_remnants = True``, which means the actual sampled mass will be less than the given value. If float is given, the units are assumed to be solar masses. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `~astropy.units.Mpc`. Default distance is 10 `~astropy.units.pc`. a_lam : float or dict, optional Magnitude(s) of extinction. If float, the same extinction will be applied to all bands. If dict, the keys must be the same as the observational filters. mag_limit : float, optional Only sample individual stars that are brighter than this magnitude. All fainter stars will be combined into an integrated component. Otherwise, all stars in the population will be sampled. You must also give the `mag_limit_band` if you use this parameter. mag_limit_band : str, optional Bandpass of the limiting magnitude. You must give this parameter if you use the `mag_limit` parameter. imf : str or dict Which IMF to use, if str then must be one of pre-defined: 'kroupa', 'scalo' or 'salpeter'. Can also specify custom (broken) power law as dict, which must contain either 'a' as a Float (describing the slope of a single power law) or 'a' (a list with 3 elements describing the slopes of a broken power law) and 'b' (a list with 2 elements describing the locations of the breaks). mist_path : str, optional Path to MIST isochrone grids. Use this if you want to use a different path from the `MIST_PATH` environment variable. imf_kw : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for sampling the stellar mass function. mass_tolerance : float, optional Tolerance in the fractional difference between the input mass and the final mass of the population. The parameter is only used when `total_mass` is given. add_remnants : bool, optional If True (default), apply scaling factor to total mass to account for stellar remnants in the form of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. """ phases = ['PMS', 'MS', 'giants', 'RGB', 'CHeB', 'AGB', 'EAGB', 'TPAGB', 'postAGB', 'WDCS'] def __init__(self, log_age, feh, phot_system, num_stars=None, total_mass=None, distance=10*u.pc, a_lam=0.0, mag_limit=None, mag_limit_band=None, imf='kroupa', mist_path=MIST_PATH, imf_kw=None, mass_tolerance=0.05, add_remnants=True, random_state=None, **kwargs): self.feh = feh self.log_age = log_age self.phot_system = phot_system self.mist_path = mist_path _iso = MISTIsochrone(log_age, feh, phot_system, mist_path, **kwargs) super(MISTSSP, self).__init__( isochrone=_iso, num_stars=num_stars, total_mass=total_mass, distance=distance, mag_limit=mag_limit, mag_limit_band=mag_limit_band, imf=imf, imf_kw=imf_kw, mass_tolerance=mass_tolerance, add_remnants=add_remnants, a_lam=a_lam, random_state=random_state ) self._r.update({'log(age/yr)': self.log_age, '[Fe/H]': self.feh, 'photometric system': self.phot_system})
[docs] def select_phase(self, phase): """ Generate stellar evolutionary phase mask. The mask will be `True` for sources that are in the give phase according to the MIST EEPs. Parameters ---------- phase : str Evolutionary phase to select. Options are 'all', 'MS', 'giants', 'RGB', 'CHeB', 'AGB', 'EAGB', 'TPAGB', 'postAGB', or 'WDCS'. Returns ------- mask : `~numpy.ndarray` Mask that is `True` for stars in input phase and `False` otherwise. Notes ----- The MIST EEP phases were taken from Table II: Primary Equivalent Evolutionary Points (EEPs): """ if phase == 'all': mask = np.ones_like(self.eep, dtype=bool) elif phase == 'PMS': mask = self.eep < 202 elif phase == 'MS': mask = (self.eep >= 202) & (self.eep < 454) elif phase == 'giants': mask = (self.eep >= 454) & (self.eep < 1409) elif phase == 'RGB': mask = (self.eep >= 454) & (self.eep <= 605) elif phase == 'CHeB': mask = (self.eep > 605) & (self.eep < 707) elif phase == 'AGB': mask = (self.eep >= 707) & (self.eep < 1409) elif phase == 'EAGB': mask = (self.eep >= 707) & (self.eep < 808) elif phase == 'TPAGB': mask = (self.eep >= 808) & (self.eep < 1409) elif phase == 'postAGB': mask = (self.eep >= 1409) & (self.eep <= 1710) elif phase == 'WDCS': mask = self.eep > 1710 else: raise Exception('Uh, what phase u want?') return mask
[docs] def get_star_phases(self): """Returns the stellar phases (as defined by the MIST EEPs).""" phase_list = ['PMS', 'MS', 'RGB', 'CHeB', 'EAGB', 'TPAGB', 'postAGB', 'WDCS'] star_phases = np.array([''] * self.num_stars, dtype='<U8') for phase in phase_list: star_phases[self.select_phase(phase)] = phase return star_phases
class CompositePopulation(SSP): """ Composite stellar populations. """ def __init__(self, pop): for name, attr in pop.__dict__.items(): setattr(self, name, attr) def __repr__(self): num_fracs = self.ssp_num_fracs mass_fracs = self.ssp_mass_fracs r = {'N_pops': self.num_pops, 'M_star': f'{self.total_mass.value:.2e} M_sun', 'number fractions': [f'{p * 100:.2f}%' for p in num_fracs], 'mass fractions': [f'{p * 100:.2f}%' for p in mass_fracs]} if hasattr(self, 'log_age'): r['log(age/yr)'] = self.log_age if hasattr(self, 'feh'): r['[Fe/H]'] = self.feh if hasattr(self, 'phot_system'): r['photometric system'] = self.phot_system r = [f'{k} = {v}' for k, v in r.items()] t = 'Composite Population\n--------------------\n' return t + '\n'.join(r)
[docs]def constant_sb_stars_per_pix(sb, mean_mag, distance=10*u.pc, pixel_scale=0.2): """ Calculate the number of stars per pixel for a uniform distribution (i.e., constant surface brightness) of stars. Parameters ---------- sb : float Surface brightness of stellar population. mean_mag : float Mean stellar magnitude of the stellar population. distance : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance to source. If float is given, the units are assumed to be `~astropy.units.Mpc`. pixel_scale : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The pixel scale of the mock image. If a float is given, the units will be assumed to be `~astropy.units.arcsec` per `~astropy.units.pixels`. Returns ------- num_stars_per_pix : float The number of stars per pixel. """ distance = check_units(distance, 'Mpc').to('pc').value pixel_scale = check_units(pixel_scale, u.arcsec / u.pixel).value dist_mod = 5 * np.log10(distance) - 5 num_stars_per_arsec_sq = 10**(0.4 * (mean_mag + dist_mod - sb)) num_stars_per_pix = num_stars_per_arsec_sq * pixel_scale**2 return num_stars_per_pix