Source code for artpop.util

# Standard library
import os
import tarfile

# Third-party
import requests
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.utils.misc import isiterable

# Project
from . import MIST_PATH
from .log import logger
from .filters import phot_system_list

__all__ = ['check_random_state',

[docs]def check_random_state(seed): """ Turn seed into a `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance. Parameters ---------- seed : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If ``seed`` is `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If ``seed`` is an `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with ``seed``. If ``seed`` is already a `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. Returns ------- random_state : `~numpy.random.RandomState` RandomState object. Notes ----- This routine is adapted from scikit-learn. See """ import numbers if seed is None or seed is np.random: return np.random.mtrand._rand if isinstance(seed, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)): return np.random.RandomState(seed) if isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState): return seed if type(seed)==list: if type(seed[0])==int: return np.random.RandomState(seed) raise ValueError('{0!r} cannot be used to seed a numpy.random.RandomState' ' instance'.format(seed))
[docs]def check_units(value, default_unit): """ Check if an object has units. If not, apply the default unit. Parameters ---------- value : float, list-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Parameter that has units. default_unit : str or `astropy` unit The default unit to apply to `value` if it does not have units. Returns ------- quantity : `~astropy.units.Quantity` `value` with ``astropy`` units. """ t = type(default_unit) if type(value) == u.Quantity: quantity = value elif (t == u.IrreducibleUnit) or (t == u.Unit) or (t == u.CompositeUnit): quantity = value * default_unit elif t == str: quantity = value * getattr(u, default_unit) else: raise Exception('default_unit must be an astropy unit or string') return quantity
[docs]def check_odd(val, name='value'): """ Raise Exception if `val` is not odd. """ if isiterable(val): if np.any(np.asarray(val) % 2 == 0): raise Exception(f'{name} must be odd') else: if val % 2 == 0: raise Exception(f'{name} must be odd')
[docs]def check_xy_dim(xy_dim, force_odd=True): """ Check the format of `xy_dim`. Parameters ---------- xy_dim : int or list-like The dimensions of mock image in xy units. If `int` is given, it is assumed to be both the x and y dimensions and (xy_dim, xy_dim) will be returned. Otherwise xy_dim will be returned. force_odd : bool, optional If True (default), force both the x and y dimensions to be odd. Returns ------- xy_dim : `~numpy.ndarray` Dimensions of mock image in xy units. """ if not isiterable(xy_dim): xy_dim = [xy_dim, xy_dim] xy_dim = np.asarray(xy_dim).astype(int) if force_odd: check_odd(xy_dim, 'xy dimensions') return xy_dim
[docs]def embed_slices(center, model_shape, image_shape): """ Get slices to embed smaller model array into larger image array. Parameters ---------- center : `~numpy.ndarray` Center of array in the image coordinates. model_shape : tuple Shape of the array to embed (dimensions must be odd). image_shape : tuple Shape of the main image array. Returns ------- img_slice, mod_slice : tuples of slices Slicing indices. To embed array in image, use the following: image[img_slice] = model[mod_slice] """ model_shape = np.asarray(model_shape) image_shape = np.asarray(image_shape) check_odd(model_shape, 'embed_slices array shape') imin = center - model_shape//2 imax = center + model_shape//2 amin = (imin < np.array([0,0])) * (-imin) amax = model_shape * (imax <= image_shape - 1) +\ (model_shape - (imax - image_shape + 1)) * (imax > image_shape - 1) imin = np.maximum(imin, np.array([0, 0])) imax = np.minimum(imax, np.array(image_shape)-1) imax += 1 img_slice = np.s_[imin[0]:imax[0], imin[1]:imax[1]] mod_slice = np.s_[amin[0]:amax[0], amin[1]:amax[1]] return img_slice, mod_slice
[docs]def fetch_mist_grid_if_needed(phot_system, v_over_vcrit=0.4, mist_path=MIST_PATH, overwrite=False): """ If needed, fetch MIST grid from Parameters ---------- phot_system : str Photometric system grid to fetch. Must be a supported ArtPop filter system, where are listed in `~artpop.filters.phot_system_list`. v_over_vcrit : float, optional Rotation rate divided by the critical surface linear velocity. Current options are 0.4 (default) and 0.0. mist_path : str, optional Path to MIST isochrone grids. Use this if you want to use a different path from the default location of ~/.artpop/mist (or the `MIST_PATH` environment variable if you have it set). overwrite : bool, optional If True, force an overwrite of grid if it exists. """ if phot_system not in phot_system_list: raise Exception(f'Photometric system must be in {phot_system_list}.') version = 1.2 url = f'{version}' url += f'/MIST_v{version}_vvcrit{v_over_vcrit}_{phot_system}.txz' tarball = os.path.join(mist_path, os.path.basename(url)) grid_path = tarball.replace('.txz', '') if overwrite or not os.path.isdir(grid_path):'Fetching MIST synthetic photometry grid for {phot_system}.') r = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(tarball, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk)'Extracting grid from {os.path.basename(url)}.') with as tar: tar.extractall(mist_path) os.remove(tarball)