.. _artpop-mist: MIST Isochrone Grids ==================== `ArtPop` can work with synthetic photometry generated from any source, provided it is in the correct format. For convenience, we provide built-in tools for fetching and manipulating synthetic photometry from the `MIST isochrone models `_. See, for example, the :class:`~artpop.stars.MISTSSP` and :class:`~artpop.source.MISTSersicSSP` classes. The first time you need a particular `MIST synthetic photometry grid `_, it will be downloaded and saved to your ``MIST_PATH``. If this environment variable is not set, the grid(s) will be saved in ``~/.artpop/mist``. To change the default path location, create an environment variable called ``MIST_PATH``. For example, in ``bash``, add this to your ``.bashrc`` file:: export MIST_PATH='/path/to/your/MIST/grids' `ArtPop` will use this path by default in all functions that use the MIST grids. Note, however, that you always have the option to pass a different path to any function that uses a MIST grid.