Source code for artpop.stars.imf

# Third-party
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from typing import Iterable

# Project
from ..util import check_random_state, check_units

__all__ = ['IMFIntegrator', 'salpeter_params', 'kroupa_params', 'scalo_params',
            'imf_params_dict', 'sample_imf', 'build_galaxy',

# pre-defined IMF parameter dictionaries
kroupa_params = {'a': [-0.3, -1.3, -2.3],'b': [0.08, 0.5]}
scalo_params = {'a': [-1.2, -2.7, -2.3], 'b': [1,10]}
salpeter_params = {'a': -2.35, 'b': [2e2, 3e2]}
imf_params_dict = {'salpeter': salpeter_params,
                   'kroupa': kroupa_params,
                   'scalo': scalo_params}

[docs]def kroupa(m, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function to calculate weights for the Kroupa stellar initial mass function (`Kroupa 2001 <>`_). Parameters ---------- mass_grid : `~numpy.ndarray` Stellar mass grid. norm_type : str, optional How to normalize the weights: by 'number', 'mass', or the 'sum'. num_norm_bins : int, optional Number of mass bins to use for integration (if needed to normalize). norm_mass_min : int or None, optional Minimum mass to use for normalization. If None, use minimum of `mass_grid` will be used. norm_mass_max : int or None, optional Maximum mass to use for normalization. If None, use maximum of `mass_grid` will be used. Returns ------- weights : `~numpy.ndarray` The weights associated with each mass in the input `mass_grid`. """ return IMFIntegrator('kroupa').weights(m, **kwargs)
[docs]def scalo(m, **kwargs): """ The Scalo stellar initial mass function (`Scalo 1998 <>`_). Parameters ---------- mass_grid : `~numpy.ndarray` Stellar mass grid. norm_type : str, optional How to normalize the weights: by 'number', 'mass', or the 'sum'. norm_mass_min : int or None, optional Minimum mass to use for normalization. If None, use minimum of `mass_grid` will be used. norm_mass_max : int or None, optional Maximum mass to use for normalization. If None, use maximum of `mass_grid` will be used. Returns ------- weights : `~numpy.ndarray` The weights associated with each mass in the input `mass_grid`. """ return IMFIntegrator('scalo').weights(m, **kwargs)
[docs]def salpeter(m, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function to calculate weights for the Salpeter IMF (`Salpeter 1955 <>`_). Parameters ---------- mass_grid : `~numpy.ndarray` Stellar mass grid. norm_type : str, optional How to normalize the weights: by 'number', 'mass', or the 'sum'. norm_mass_min : int or None, optional Minimum mass to use for normalization. If None, use minimum of `mass_grid` will be used. norm_mass_max : int or None, optional Maximum mass to use for normalization. If None, use maximum of `mass_grid` will be used. Returns ------- weights : `~numpy.ndarray` The weights associated with each mass in the input `mass_grid`. """ return IMFIntegrator('salpeter').weights(m, **kwargs)
[docs]def sample_imf(num_stars, m_min=0.08, m_max=120, imf='kroupa', num_mass_bins=100000, random_state=None, imf_kw={}): """ Sample stellar IMF via inverse transform sampling. Parameters ---------- num_stars : int Number of stars to sample. m_min : float, optional Minimum stellar mass. m_max : float, optional Maximum stellar mass. imf : str or dict Which IMF to use, if str then must be one of pre-defined: 'kroupa', 'scalo' or 'salpeter'. Can also specify broken power law as dict, which must contain either 'a' as a Float (describing the slope of a single power law) or 'a' (a list with 3 elements describing the slopes of a broken power law) and 'b' (a list with 2 elements describing the locations of the breaks). num_mass_bins : int, optional Number of mass bins in logarithmic spaced mass grid. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. imf_kw : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the imf function. Returns ------- masses : `~numpy.ndarray` The sampled stellar masses. """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) bin_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(m_min), np.log10(m_max), int(num_mass_bins)) mass_grid = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2.0 weights = IMFIntegrator(imf).weights(mass_grid, **imf_kw) dm = np.diff(bin_edges) cdf = np.cumsum(weights * dm) cdf /= cdf.max() cdf = interp1d(cdf, mass_grid, bounds_error=False, fill_value=m_min) rand_num = rng.uniform(low=0., high=1.0, size=int(num_stars)) masses = cdf(rand_num) return masses
[docs]def build_galaxy(stellar_mass, num_stars_iter=1e5, m_min=0.08, m_max=120, imf='kroupa', num_mass_bins=100000, random_state=None, imf_kw={}): """ Build galaxy of a given stellar mass. Parameters ---------- stellar_mass : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Stellar mass of galaxy. If float is given, the units are assumed to be solar masses. num_stars_iter : int Number of stars to generate at each iteration. Lower this number (at the expense of speed) to get a more accurate total mass.) num_stars : int Number of stars to sample. m_min : float, optional Minimum stellar mass. m_max : float, optional Maximum stellar mass. imf : str or dict Which IMF to use, if str then must be one of pre-defined: 'kroupa', 'scalo' or 'salpeter'. Can also specify broken power law as dict, which must contain either 'a' as a Float (describing the slope of a single power law) or 'a' (a list with 3 elements describing the slopes of a broken power law) and 'b' (a list with 2 elements describing the locations of the breaks). num_mass_bins : int, optional Number of mass bins in logarithmic spaced mass grid. random_state : `None`, int, list of ints, or `~numpy.random.RandomState` If `None`, return the `~numpy.random.RandomState` singleton used by ``numpy.random``. If `int`, return a new `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance seeded with the `int`. If `~numpy.random.RandomState`, return it. Otherwise raise ``ValueError``. imf_kw : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the imf function. Returns ------- stars : `~numpy.ndarray` Stellar masses of all the stars. """ # build CDF, taken from sample_imf above rng = check_random_state(random_state) bin_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(m_min), np.log10(m_max), int(num_mass_bins)) mass_grid = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2.0 weights = IMFIntegrator(imf).weights(mass_grid, **imf_kw) dm = np.diff(bin_edges) cdf = np.cumsum(weights * dm) cdf /= cdf.max() cdf = interp1d(cdf, mass_grid, bounds_error=False, fill_value=m_min) stars = [] total_mass = 0.0 stellar_mass = check_units(stellar_mass, 'Msun').to('Msun').value # ensure the while loop does not get stuck if num_stars_iter < 1: num_stars_iter = 1 while total_mass < stellar_mass: rand_num = rng.uniform(low=0., high=1.0, size=int(num_stars_iter)) new_stars = cdf(rand_num) total_mass += new_stars.sum() stars = np.concatenate([stars, new_stars]) return stars
[docs]class IMFIntegrator(object): """ A helper class for numerically integrating the IMF. Parameters ---------- params : str or dict Which IMF to use, if str then must be one of pre-defined: 'kroupa', 'scalo' or 'salpeter'. Can also specify broken power law as dict, which must contain either 'a' as a Float (describing the slope of a single power law) or 'a' (a list with 3 elements describing the slopes of a broken power law) and 'b' (a list with 2 elements describing the locations of the breaks). m_min : float, optional Minimum stellar mass. m_max : float, optional Maximum stellar mass. """ def __init__(self, params, m_min=0.1, m_max=120.0): if type(params) == str: if params in imf_params_dict.keys(): params_dict = imf_params_dict[params] if params == 'salpeter': self.a = [ params_dict['a'] ]*3 self.b = [301.,302.] else: self.a = params_dict['a'] self.b = params_dict['b'] = params else: raise Exception( f'{params} is not one of the pre-defined IMFs: ' + ', '.join(imf_params_dict.keys()) ) elif type(params) == dict: if ( 'a' in params.keys() and 'b' in params.keys() and isinstance(params['a'], Iterable) ): self.a = params['a'] self.b = params['b'] = 'custom' elif 'a' in params.keys() and isinstance(params['a'], float): self.a = [ params['a'] ]*3 self.b = [301.,302.] = 'custom' else: raise Exception( "dict must have both 'a' and 'b' for broken power " "law or float in 'a' for single power law" ) self.m_min = m_min self.m_max = m_max self.eval_min = 1e-3 self.num_norm = self.integrate(m_min, m_max, None) self.mass_norm = self.m_integrate(m_min, m_max, None)
[docs] def weights(self, mass_grid, norm_type=None, norm_mass_min=None, norm_mass_max=None): """ Calculate the weights of the IMF at grid of stellar masses. Parameters ---------- mass_grid : `~numpy.ndarray` Stellar mass grid. norm_type : str, optional How to normalize the weights: by 'number', 'mass', or the 'sum'. norm_mass_min : int or None, optional Minimum mass to use for normalization. If None, use minimum of `mass_grid` will be used. norm_mass_max : int or None, optional Maximum mass to use for normalization. If None, use maximum of `mass_grid` will be used. Returns ------- weights : `~numpy.ndarray` The weights associated with each mass in the input `mass_grid`. """ mass_grid = np.asarray(mass_grid) a1, a2, a3 = self.a b1, b2 = self.b alpha = np.where(mass_grid < b1, a1, np.where(mass_grid < b2, a2, a3)) m_break = np.where(mass_grid < b2, b1, b2 * (b1 / b2)**(a2 / a3)) weights = (mass_grid / m_break)**(alpha) if norm_type is None: norm = 1. elif norm_type == 'sum': norm = weights.sum() else: m_min = norm_mass_min if norm_mass_min else mass_grid.min() m_max = norm_mass_max if norm_mass_max else mass_grid.max() if norm_type == 'number': norm = self.integrate(m_min = m_min, m_max = m_max) elif norm_type == 'mass': norm = self.m_integrate(m_min = m_min, m_max = m_max) weights /= norm return weights
[docs] def func(self,m): """ Wrapper function to calculate the un-normalized values of of the IMF (i.e. dN / dM ) at grid of stellar masses. Parameters ---------- mass_grid : `~numpy.ndarray` Stellar mass grid. Returns ------- weights : `~numpy.ndarray` Values of dN/dM associated with each mass in the input `mass_grid`. """ return self.weights(m, norm_type = None)
[docs] def m_func(self, m): """ Wrapper function to calculate the un-normalized values of the mass times the IMF (i.e. dN / d logM ) at grid of stellar masses. Parameters ---------- mass_grid : `~numpy.ndarray` Stellar mass grid. Returns ------- weights : `~numpy.ndarray` Values dN/d logM associated with each mass in `mass_grid`. """ return m * self.weights(m, norm_type=None)
def _indef_int(self,m): """ Helper function to calculate integral for `0` to some mass """ a0,a1,a2 = self.a b0,b1 = self.b # define constants to normalize functions c0 = b0**a0 c1 = b0**a1 c2 = (b1 * (b0 / b1)**(a1 / a2) )**a2 ans = 0 if m > b1: ans = (b0**(a0+1.) - self.eval_min**(a0+1.)) / (a0+1)/c0 \ + (b1**(a1+1.) - b0**(a1+1.))/(a1+1)/c1 \ + (m**(a2+1.) - b1**(a2+1.))/(a2+1)/c2 elif m > b0: ans = (b0**(a0+1.) - self.eval_min**(a0+1.))/(a0+1)/c0 \ + (m**(a1+1.)- b0**(a1+1.))/(a1+1) /c1 else: ans = (m**(a0+1.) - self.eval_min**(a0+1.))/(a0+1)/c0 return ans
[docs] def integrate(self, m_min=None, m_max=None, norm=False, ): """" Function to calculate the integral under the IMF. Parameters ---------- m_min : Float Lower stellar mass bound of integral. m_max : Float Upper stellar mass bound of integral. norm: : Bool or Float Whether or not to normalize the inegral, default False. If True will normalize by number of stars. If a Float is given, then will use that value as the normalization. Returns ------- weights : Float Value of the integral of the IMF between m_min and m_mass. """ m_min = m_min if m_min else self.m_min m_max = m_max if m_max else self.m_max if norm == True: n = self.num_norm elif norm is None or norm == False: n = 1.0 elif type(norm) == int or type(norm) == float: n = norm else: raise Exception(f'{norm} is not a valid normalization.') return ( self._indef_int(m_max) - self._indef_int(m_min) ) / n
def _indef_m_int(self,m): """ Helper function to calculate integral for `0` to some mass """ a0, a1, a2 = self.a b0, b1 = self.b # define constants to normalize functions c0 = b0**a0 c1 = b0**a1 c2 = (b1 * (b0 / b1)**(a1 / a2))**a2 # multiply by M a0 += 1 a1 += 1 a2 += 1 ans = 0 if m > b1: ans = (b0**(a0+1.) - self.eval_min**(a0+1.)) / (a0+1)/c0 \ + (b1**(a1+1.) - b0**(a1+1.))/(a1+1)/c1 \ + (m**(a2+1.) - b1**(a2+1.))/(a2+1)/c2 elif m > b0: ans = (b0**(a0+1.) - self.eval_min**(a0+1.))/(a0+1)/c0 \ + (m**(a1+1.) - b0**(a1+1.))/(a1+1) /c1 else: ans = (m**(a0+1.) - self.eval_min**(a0+1.))/(a0+1)/c0 return ans
[docs] def m_integrate(self, m_min=None, m_max=None, norm=False): """" Function to calculate the integral under mass times the IMF. Parameters ---------- m_min : Float Lower stellar mass bound of integral. m_max : Float Upper stellar mass bound of integral. norm: : Bool or Float Whether or not to normalize the integral, default False. If True will normalize by the total stellar mass. If a Float is given, then will use that value as the normalization. Returns ------- weights : Float Value of the integral of mass times the IMF between m_min and m_mass. """ m_min = m_min if m_min else self.m_min m_max = m_max if m_max else self.m_max if norm == True: n = self.mass_norm elif norm is None or norm == False: n = 1.0 elif type(norm) == int or type(norm) == float: n = norm else: raise Exception(f'{norm} is not a valid normalization.') return (self._indef_m_int(m_max) - self._indef_m_int(m_min)) / n