
artpop.stars.build_galaxy(stellar_mass, num_stars_iter=100000.0, m_min=0.08, m_max=120, imf='kroupa', num_mass_bins=100000, random_state=None, imf_kw={})[source]

Build galaxy of a given stellar mass.

stellar_massfloat or Quantity

Stellar mass of galaxy. If float is given, the units are assumed to be solar masses.


Number of stars to generate at each iteration. Lower this number (at the expense of speed) to get a more accurate total mass.)


Number of stars to sample.

m_minfloat, optional

Minimum stellar mass.

m_maxfloat, optional

Maximum stellar mass.

imfstr or dict

Which IMF to use, if str then must be one of pre-defined: ‘kroupa’, ‘scalo’ or ‘salpeter’. Can also specify broken power law as dict, which must contain either ‘a’ as a Float (describing the slope of a single power law) or ‘a’ (a list with 3 elements describing the slopes of a broken power law) and ‘b’ (a list with 2 elements describing the locations of the breaks).

num_mass_binsint, optional

Number of mass bins in logarithmic spaced mass grid.

random_stateNone, int, list of ints, or RandomState

If None, return the RandomState singleton used by numpy.random. If int, return a new RandomState instance seeded with the int. If RandomState, return it. Otherwise raise ValueError.

imf_kwdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the imf function.


Stellar masses of all the stars.