Stellar Populations (artpop.stars)


artpop.stars Package


build_galaxy(stellar_mass[, num_stars_iter, ...])

Build galaxy of a given stellar mass.

constant_sb_stars_per_pix(sb, mean_mag[, ...])

Calculate the number of stars per pixel for a uniform distribution (i.e., constant surface brightness) of stars.

fetch_mist_iso_cmd(log_age, feh, phot_system)

Fetch MIST isochrone grid.

kroupa(m, **kwargs)

Wrapper function to calculate weights for the Kroupa stellar initial mass function (Kroupa 2001).

salpeter(m, **kwargs)

Wrapper function to calculate weights for the Salpeter IMF (Salpeter 1955).

sample_imf(num_stars[, m_min, m_max, imf, ...])

Sample stellar IMF via inverse transform sampling.

scalo(m, **kwargs)

The Scalo stellar initial mass function (Scalo 1998).


IMFIntegrator(params[, m_min, m_max])

A helper class for numerically integrating the IMF.

Isochrone(mini, mact, mags[, eep, log_L, ...])

Class for storing generic isochrones.

MISTIsochrone(log_age, feh, phot_system[, ...])

Class for fetching and storing MIST isochrones.

MISTSSP(log_age, feh, phot_system[, ...])

MIST Simple Stellar Population.

SSP(isochrone[, num_stars, total_mass, ...])

Generic Simple Stellar Population (SSP).